Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1. Yes we reached the destinations, even though there usually wasn't much to actually see (except for maybe a name).
2. Yes the people at the museum were quite nice and helpful. As well as the folks that directed me to a bathroom (always my personal favorites).
3. I tried to talk in Spanish for the most part, but sadly failed at doing it for the entire time.
I giggle at the fact that everytime we pass a pasteleria (no matter how many we've seen here) everyone must stand and oggle in the window. This particular one is the one that the current king's great-grandmother would go to everyday, La Duquesita.

I thought this building was so pretty (El Palacio Longorio). The only problem was that they just did not want us to go inside to see if the inside was just as good. One of these days I'll be able to see what's behind the locked doors of all these buildings...

This particular beauty occured as we were walking past La Plaza Alonso Martinez and rather than taking notice of the plaza, I actually took notice of this.