Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1. We reached the location, whether or not there was anything there to see was a whole different matter.
2. Certainly di
d. My favorite was the strangely helpful and cute lady at the front desk of the Romantic Museum. I say strangely because I don't think anyone in Spain has heard of customer service. Oh excuse me for trying to buy something at your store, I'm sorry to bother you, I'll just be on my way. Actually, no scratch that, my favorite was the dirty construction worker I asked for directions who nearly got hit by a car watching eleven guapas walk by.
3. For the most part. There were a few moments where an encouraging English phrase
was required to round up our gi-normous group.

Even though I thought this walk was a little ridiculous, one of the things I did find interesting was being in a less "touristy" part of Madrid. I felt like you got a bit more of the local flavor, complete with sketchy homeless men and graffiti on every corner.

I also enjoyed the protest posters lining the street. I'm still not positive what they were protesting, something about writers, but I thought it was interesting to see their enthusiasm (20 posters is a little overkill).

Whatever may have happened on the walk, it was all made worthwhile since we got these sweet cowboy hats in Madrid for free! Ten bucks for whoever can name which cowgirl is which!